The Mavic drone with 5.4 video capability is on the way, a virtual reality camera for home walkthroughs is being researched to have on hand within the next ten days. The website is close to finished, a couple hours when we can get the time and we’ll be live, under the godaddy connection until November 22nd or so. and then just .com. Shortly after that the plan is to get the dozen or so listings published with our static photos supported by both drone and virtual reality presentations. A standard for us will be a measurement of the casa to confirm size as well as measurements of every room, except bathrooms, unless they are of considerable size. All of the casas are over the 650 million COP threshold, $150 US or so at today’s mid market rate, so as of now, they qualify for the permanent residency visa based on the purchase price of them. All for now, hope to see you soon in Colombia, the third most beautiful country in the world as rated by Forbes magazine.